Conserving the Sherborne Cartonnage | Episode 4

The British Museum

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It's been a while and we know you've missed this lovely object on it's journey to becoming a better version of itself... Join conservator Verena Kotonski for this next instalment of the epic conservation project that is the Sherborne Cartonnage.

In this episode we'll introduce two new characters to our roster of world class conservation experts. Barbara Wills and Helene Delaunay join the project to help shape, glue, stretch, glue, paste and glue every inch of 'Sherby'. You'll also get to witness curator John Taylor see the object after a nine month hiatus, and he is as amazed by the progress as you will be!

The conservation and the making of this film was generously sponsored by the John S Cohen Foundation.

#AncientEgypt #Conservation #Restoration

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